Jessy Molina has a passion for building connection and understanding between people.
“I am so grateful to Jessy Molina and Mike Molina for leading critically important conversations at the Bryn Mawr School over the last five years. They have been strong partners in offering dynamic programming for Upper School students and our K to grade 12 faculty/staff on a broad range of topics from student leadership and activism and culturally responsive teaching. Jessy and Mike are BRILLIANT! They skillfully facilitate conversations and pose questions that move diverse communities forward towards greater inclusion and equity.”
“I am buoyed by an overwhelming sense of gratitude for the gift you offered our students and community today. The passion, authenticity and depth of giving of yourselves to us was incredible. I know we continue to have a long journey ahead of us as a community seeking to be authentically inclusive, but you helped guide us down that path a bit farther and further.”
“Jessy exceeded all of our expectations for the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) workshop. She is a truly gifted facilitator who is able to get a group comfortable to show vulnerability and talk about things that might be uncomfortable. Jessy is the perfect mix of coach, facilitator, and trainer. The half day workshop was at the perfect level for us to start our DEI work—to launch into this important work that included conversation, awareness, education, and sharing. Jessy has an amazing way of making everyone feel comfortable in a space. Our team was engaged, inspired, and challenged and we are continuing this important work, thanks to Jessy.”
“Jessy is a highly skilled facilitator. She is adept at bringing people from different backgrounds together to build respect and understanding. This comes from years of honing her craft and consistently seeking feedback from participants. I highly recommend bringing her to your organization to train your students and faculty! ”
“As an educator and administrator, there is a great need to better understand diversity and the role it plays in our schools. Many of us do not have the understanding or tools we need to communicate and are often afraid of doing harm. Jessy Molina has provided teacher training, consultation, and parent education for our school. In every conversation I have with Jessy, I learn something new, gain a deeper understanding and have an “aha” moment and yet never feel judged. She is a gifted and generous educator and holds the space for learning and growth for anyone interested in this learning at any point in that process. ”
“Conversations with Jessy changed my life. I was fortunate to be a member of a faculty SEED group that she facilitated on campus and worked with her to create our school’s first HBCU college night program. She introduced me to what it means to engage in diversity and inclusion work and encouraged me to explore my own identity. When I faltered (which was often), Jessy supported my growth and patiently helped me see a way forward. Jessy is purposeful, powerful and a driver of change. Jessy Molina’s impact keeps reverberating long after the workshop or class ends.”
“Jessy approaches all of her work with schools and communities as a strategist and facilitator. Not only is she adept at making visible the large systemic shifts that are needed to become a truly diverse and inclusive community, but she will walk beside people with grace, humility, and forgiveness as they take those steps forward in their own learning about race, equity, and justice. Jessy is a master facilitator who has led large groups, small cohorts, faculty meetings, and student affinity groups in challenging and courageous conversations. Jessy is an educator at heart who has inspired me to read, think, learn, examine, and question my own assumptions and biases and become more curious and committed to being a white ally to communities of color.”
“It has been an honor and a privilege to work with Mike Molina. A gifted teacher and true change agent, Mike is an inspiration to all who know him- an inspiration to his colleagues and to all who experience his written and spoken word. Most importantly, he is an inspiration to students, empowering them to find their voice and speak their truth to power. ”
“Jessy brings warmth, thoughtful candor, a critical perspective, and an openness to learning to all of her work. As a result, my time with Jessy as a collaborator and colleague always pushes me to be the best version of myself. I always know I am going to learn from and with her. I have also had the pleasure of working with Jessy and Mike as parents. The work they do in equity and inclusion reflects their hopes for the world in which their children, and all young people, will live.”
“I have had the pleasure and honor to work alongside Jessy and Michael Molina for several years as fellow practitioners and colleagues in the work. I can honestly say that both are dedicated and thoroughly knowledgeable in the field. They have a wealth of experience that will enrich your school’s scope and sequence of diversity, inclusion, and equity work.”
“Jessy Molina is one of the most dynamic group and workshop facilitators that I’ve met in my 17 years of educational leadership. She is well-tooled in group dynamics and knows how to get an audience engaged in the topic and in participating. She is organized, extremely knowledgeable, and is able to execute meaningful delivery. She is a change agent and isn’t afraid of difficult conversations. I have been a part of an impactful 8-week Racial Justice Cohort which she designed and led and I’ve attended numerous sessions related to diversity and social justice that she led for my faculty. Each has been outstanding and caused thought-provoking conversations which ultimately led to personal, professional, and organizational growth.”
“Jessy Molina always answers questions thoughtfully and meaningfully, as though she really cares. And she does really care. She will always listen and give her thoughts to situations to try and make you understand. She is a great teacher and the qualities of her workshops have not been diminished by the necessity of Zoom.
Mike Molina is great for kids and young people. He is engaging and uses performance and storytelling to his advantage.
Definitely hire them for trainings, workshops and events!”
“Jessy’s DEI training for our DC-based nonprofit was thoughtful, engaging, illuminating and productive.
Although discussions around bias, institutional racism, and inequality can be challenging and difficult, PBI’s 9 staff members found Jessy’s series of 5 sessions both enlightening and rewarding. This was due in large part to Jessy’s ease, genuine warmth, and dedication to education about the individual and institutional discriminatory forces at play, both vast and subtle.
I highly recommend Jessy to any organization seeking to further its diversity and inclusion efforts, including organizations seeking to comprehend the historic context of institutional racism as a foundation for societal change and growth in racial equality. Jessy was excellent!”
“Jessy Molina is a skillful diversity practitioner, well-versed in the latest research, who has created the space for our community to have much-needed conversations around equity, inclusion and justice. Jessy’s engagement with our community has included virtual workshops with topics such as the impact of implicit bias on school culture, school-based affinity groups, and best practices for talking about race in the 6-12 English and social studies classrooms- all enthusiastically and wholeheartedly received by faculty. We look forward to our continued partnership with Jessy as we build a more culturally competent faculty who use more culturally responsive teaching practices.”
“Jessy facilitated a wonderful and engaging presentation for our students. Our students were so excited to dig into the concepts she presented, and she did an incredible job of facilitating over Zoom. Jessy’s parent presentation was a highlight of our school year. With the impacts of COVID and the election, our community was hungry for dialogue and discussion around these important topics, and Jessy was the perfect expert facilitator to give space and grace to be in community and relationship with each other.”
“Jessy is a dynamic speaker and an engaging facilitator. She was able to take my students to new depths and challenge them to think critically about race and identity while also holding a safe and affirming space in which they can learn and process. In addition to the student work she is leading, she has been an incredible partner and collaborator in the design and implementation of our Parent Antiracism Training program. Her years of experience, knowledge and wisdom make her an essential aspect of my school’s journey towards becoming an antiracist community.”
“I am so grateful for Jessy’s great work in leading our alumnae through a four part Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) series. Jessy was fantastic at meeting our alumnae where they were—some came having a deep understanding of DEI practices, whereas others were attending a session for their first time. Jessy’s ability to work with alumnae of different ages and from varying backgrounds was impressive. She always came prepared with engaging, thought provoking material, yet was also able to adapt on the fly to the needs of the group. Jessy is an expert facilitator and has a true gift for the work she does. We loved working with Jessy and hope to again in the future.”
“I had the pleasure of working with Jessy and Mike when I was a new Upper School Head at Garrison Forest School. My tenure began on the heels of Freddie Gray’s death and the protests that followed. More than anything, members of our community needed a way to listen and talk across difference. Jessy taught faculty how to use dialogue skills in their interactions with colleagues and in facilitating student conversations. Jessy also created an impressive curriculum for all 9th grade students that taught students key dialogue skills and allowed them to practice those skills in discussions about the issues their communities faced. Jessy’s efforts led to progress on equity and inclusion in that community in a real way. I have also been in workshops with Jessy and Mike at national conferences where every person was invited into the dialogue, even though there was standing room only. Jessy and Mike are an impressive team, doing important work.”
“I had the pleasure of working closely with Jessy for several years before returning to international teaching, and I was thrilled when the opportunity arose to invite Jessy to consult with my current school in Kyiv, Ukraine. Recently, Jessy led a session for our entire faculty and staff around common language, focusing on the history and implications of terms related to race and identity. Jessy’s genuine interest in creating space for open dialogue and her expert skill at bringing people into a conversation allowed for everyone to leave that session eager to continue learning. Her commitment to equity, inclusion, and justice will hopefully begin to ripple through the international teaching community and stretch far and wide, helping to create a better world for everyone. ”
“Jessy Molina has led sessions on Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice (DEIJ) with the Board of Trustees, Leader Team, faculty and students of Blue Ridge School. Jessy tailored each session to the needs of the audience, yet with each group she defused the stress and anxiety that sometimes come with large-scale conversations on this topic. Jessy has a calming energy and presentation style. Participants gain comfort with asking a challenging question or offering up their opinion because Jessy is non-judgmental in her approach to group discussions.
As Headmaster, I needed a DEIJ consultant who would be a partner in the process through which my school is progressing with no small amount of community courage. Jessy Molina is that partner and I could not be more grateful for her support and co-leadership.”
“Jessy Molina conducted a virtual DEI workshop on “Talking About Race in the Classroom” for faculty at Loyola University Maryland on January 13, 2022. Jessy covered useful, practical strategies and frameworks that faculty from any discipline could adopt to facilitate a conversation about race, which many find challenging, in their respective courses. After the workshop, as an organizer of this workshop, I received numerous emails of appreciation from workshop participants. They found Jessy’s workshop “phenomenal,” “excellent,” “terrific” and “full of helpful resources and ideas.” One faculty member wrote, “This session is one of the best DE&I sessions I have experienced in a long time. Excellent faculty development opportunity.” Participants also liked the scenario-based breakout room discussion around racial identity in a classroom. We will reach out to Jessy again in the future for her expertise in diversity, equity and inclusion.”
“Jessy’s wonderful presentation met the members of our community where they were in terms of personal DEI-related education. Everyone got something insightful from their facilitated discussions and age-related microaggression scenarios, whether they were someone just starting their learning of these important topics or they were someone who has been studying this subject for years. We look forward to having more community discussions based on the various scenarios in the near (and more distant) future. Thank you, Jessy!”
“Like many communities, our school has both those that are at the beginning of their DEI journey, and those that have been in the game a long time. Jessy was able to meet us all where we are with a workshop so fitting and applicable to who we are as a school community. Jessy is not only knowledgeable, but personable and suspends judgement in a way that encourages risks. We all had an incredible learning experience and will continue to use the tools that Jessy provided in her time with us. ”
“Jessy Molina did a terrific data and research-supported discussion and training for faculty at Loyola University Maryland...the messages and feedback our committee received afterward were so enthusiastic and positive, I wish we could have done a week’s worth of workshops. Jessy will definitely be back to work with our faculty, I’m sure of it! ”
“You are exactly what we individuals and as an organization. You have a gift for tackling difficult topics and navigating emotionally charged situations, and doing so with kindness, grace and authority. This work wouldn’t be successful without creating an environment of openness and safety and you have done that, masterfully. Thank you!”
“I am deeply grateful for the impactful ways that Jessy facilitated and held space for our whole organization over the course of a year long DEI initiative that involved an organizational DEI audit and monthly racial justice education training for mental health practitioners and educators. Jessy created a stimulating learning environment where our members felt safe and brave to vulnerably share and grow with each other around the sensitive issues of race, white privilege, etc. We were highly impressed by her consistent compassionate and clear presence, energy, and delivery. Jessy even went above and beyond at times and made herself available to facilitate when challenging racial dynamics arose amongst members of the organization. She has an incredible and yet simple way of offering direct feedback towards solutions and strategies forward. Thanks to the ways Jessy has supported our collective growth and awareness, our group is continuing this important work with clear strategies guided by her audit recommendations on how to become an anti-racist organization.”